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Bitesize eLearning Course: Chest Pain and Stroke

Knowing the difference between chest pain and a stroke may not only save your life, it may also save the life of another.

Learn about chest pain and stroke, signs, symptoms and how to effectively provide emergency first aid to a casualty suffering from them in this interactive online course.

This is a non-accredited course


Bitesize eLearning Course: Chest Pain and Stroke

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Chest Pain & Stroke Course

This course features videos, quizzes and interactive learning. Either complete this course in one session or complete one topic at a time, your eLearning progress will be saved as you go.

  • Fully online
  • Closed captioned
  • Non accredited bitesize learning
  • Mobile friendly

Easily completed within 1 hour.

Participants will receive a St John Certificate of Completion.

Who should do this course?

Stroke is Australia’s second biggest killer after heart disease, so general awareness of how to manage a stroke is vital. This course is ideal for workplaces to provide general first aid awareness to employees or for members of the general public.

What do other people think?

I love this item because I am now able to tell between cardiac arrest and heart attack. I would be able to tell if the person is having a stroke.
Clear information, easy to follow
Better explaining than full course

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