St John Ambulance

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Young Concertgoer Advocates for Better First Aid Measures at Major Events

In early February, the dream of attending a long-waited concert almost turned into a nightmare for 13-year-old Tilly Farrell, a Year 8 student eagerly anticipating the event since securing tickets in October 2022. Just before the concert began, Tilly experienced a sudden drop in blood pressure, causing concern to her mum who was also in attendance. 

Thankfully, St John Ambulance Volunteers were quick to respond. Not only did our dedicated crew administer essential care and assessment on the spot, ensuring Tilly’s wellbeing, without the need for hospitalisation, but they also went above and beyond to create a comfortable space for her to still enjoy the concert experience. Tilly's mum, Tash, expressed her gratitude, noting how St John's top-notch care extended to arranging a corporate box to ensure that Tilly didn't miss a moment of the performance. “St John were absolutely amazing and looked after her for over an hour and organised a corporate box so Tilly wouldn’t have to miss out on any of the concert.” 

However, the following day brought unexpected challenges as Tilly's health took a turn, resulting in her hospitalisation due to pneumonia. Despite her ordeal, Tilly's dedication to enjoying the concert the night before left a lasting impression on the medical staff attending to her in hospital. 

Now fully recovered, Tilly is passionate about advocating for first aid services at all major events. Her experience highlights the importance of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all attendees, regardless of age or circumstance. Tash resonates this feeling, emphasizing the critical role St John Ambulance plays in assisting eventgoers. “Had it not been for St John’s on Tuesday, things could have turned for the worst very quickly so we would love to advocate for first aid at all big events.” 

As events and festivals continue to mark the state's calendar, especially in remote areas where access to medical services may be limited, the need for comprehensive first aid support becomes increasingly evident. Recognising this, St John Ambulance Victoria remains committed to maintaining the highest standards of care, holding licensure at the highest level of risk to deploy resources at the smallest local sports match to the largest multi-site, multi-day events with thousands of patrons. From running mobile hospitals to providing advanced life support, we are dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of all those we serve. 

Together, let's advocate for a safer, more secure event experience for everyone.