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Restart a Heart Day – Get Involved

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If you’re living in Australia, you’re lucky enough to be receiving high standards of medical care. Many advancements in technology, medication and training have resulted in strong life expectancy and improved odds when it comes to diseases like cancer and even influenza.

Despite all these modern developments, when it comes to cardiac arrest the survival rates are unfortunately dismal. Only 1 in 10 will survive a sudden cardiac arrest. Why is this figure so low? Mostly because it can be next to impossible to predict cardiac arrest, as it can affect seemingly fit and healthy people, even elite athletes.

So if it can’t be predicted, what can be done about it? The only definitive treatment for sudden cardiac arrest is CPR, followed by Defibrillation. The good news is that CPR can be done by almost anyone, but it is ideal to learn how beforehand. Restart a Heart Day is an ideal opportunity for this.

What is Restart a Heart Day?

Originating in the UK, Restart a Heart Day is an international movement that aims to raise awareness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillators (AEDs). Together we can improve cardiac arrest survival rates by knowing what to do in a health emergency. The more people who are aware of what to do and how to help, the better everyone’s chances will be.

Even someone who has completed CPR training should undertake an annual refresher, as in just 12 months skill levels decay rapidly.

Quick Facts About Cardiac Arrest

  • Only 1 in 10 survive a cardiac arrest.
  • Approximately 74% of cardiac arrests occur in the home.
  • Starting CPR immediately is one of the most critical factors in surviving cardiac arrest.
  • For every minute that CPR is delayed, cardiac arrest survival decreases by 10%.
  • Bystander CPR has increased by 20% over the past decade.
  • Chances of survival double if shocked by a public AED before paramedics arrive.
  • Anyone can use an AED. You don’t need to be trained.

How Can You Restart A Heart?

If someone is unconscious and not breathing, they will not survive unless you:

  1. Call 000
  2. Do CPR
  3. Use a Defibrillator, if available

Ensuring you have gone through the DRSABCD steps is the best way to approach any First Aid situation.

What Events Is St John Holding this Restart a Heart Day?

At St John Ambulance Australia, we believe far more people should be trained, equipped and ready to provide First Aid, so we’re holding a series of public events for Restart a Heart Day.

Anyone is welcome to drop by and learn skills for the first time or brush up on their existing skills. All events are free to attend.

1. Southbank – CPR Lab

10 minute CPR sessions on WiFi feedback manikins – immediate feedback on the screen tells you to go faster/slower, deeper/lighter and correct placement.


Free First Aid Kit valued at $22.95 for all participants

Terms & Conditions:

CPR training provided is non-accredited

Limit of one kit and session per person

Participants must enter details (name and email address) in the St John database on the day to participate

Free kits are limited to the first 300 participants to arrive on the day


2. CPR Demonstrations

CPR demonstrations – come and have a go.


Sunbury Square

2-28 Evans Street, Sunbury

Outside Coles

CPR training provided is non-accredited


3. CPR & AED Information Session

A presentation on how to do CPR and use AEDs, plus get to practice on some manikins.


Sunbury Youth Centre

51-53 Evans St, Sunbury

CPR training provided is non-accredited and for a duration of 30 minutes


Enquiries: Jen Reynoldson, PR, Community & Content Coordinator VIC – 0428 206 065

St John G5 with Intellisense CPR
St John G5 with Intellisense CPR
The G5 is the only AED to combine real-time CPR feedback with user-paced rescue prompting.