St John Ambulance

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Announcement: Seniors Community Care Now Part of St John Ambulance

St John Ambulance Victoria has a new addition to the family in Seniors Community Care – a provider of in-home care services to disabled, frail and aged persons. This represents a very positive step for both our organisations to take as we continue to serve the community with quality care and grow our mission to make an even greater impact.

We have great respect for the wonderful people at Seniors Community Care – they have incredible expertise and experience in working with their clients to deliver high quality services. Person-centred care is vitally important to us at St John, so we saw a natural fit for us to bring this organisation under our banner.

Operating since 1995 and based in Somerville, Seniors Community Care has an outstanding reputation for the provision of the highest quality direct care, enabling individuals to remain living independently. The team of approximately 70 professionals include generalist and specialist nurses, personal carers, respite carers, home carers and gardeners. Their services can operate 24/7, 365 days a year and include:

  • Aged Care, including a range of package programs
  • Nursing Care, including Community Nursing Programs
  • Personal Care, including the Veterans’ Home Care program
  • Respite Care
  • Home Care, such as light domestic tasks
  • Transportation
  • Home and Garden Maintenance
  • Home Delivered Meals – Class 1 Food Safety Accredited Service
  • Hospital Transition Services

At the centre of all these services is a strong commitment to patient safety and care, with policies and staff focused on maintaining and improving all service areas and functions.

We are proud to maintain the Seniors Community Care name, as well as retain all their current staff. The future of the division, led by General Manager Kirstin Fox, is very bright and we hope to be able to announce more in the future.

We believe this new opportunity means we can deliver even more to the Victorian community, furthering the excellent clinical record of our well-regarded Event Health and Non-Emergency Patient Transport services.