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Bitesize eLearning Course: DRSABCD Action Plan

The DRSABCD Action plan is crucial for providing effective First Aid, but what does DRSABCD stand for?

This bitesize course will teach you about each step of the Action plan and how to apply it to a range of First Aid situations.

This is a non-accredited course


Bitesize eLearning Course: DRSABCD Action Plan

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DRSABCD Action Plan Course

This course features videos, quizzes and interactive learning. Either complete this course in one session or complete one topic at a time, your eLearning progress will be saved as you go.

  • Fully online
  • Closed captioned
  • Non accredited bitesize learning
  • Mobile friendly

Easily completed within 1 hour.

Participants will receive a St John Certificate of Completion.

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for everyone as a good foundation for first aid. Ideal for workplaces who would like staff to have general first aid awareness or members of the public

What do other people think?

Great training and watching the videos helped also.

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